Keeping teams safe and operations running smoothly

PPE is often the last line of defense to keep teams safe when administrative and engineering controls have failed. We understand proper safety training and gear not only ensures our teams stay safe in the field but also keeps your operation running safely and smoothly as well. 

Because PPE can mean vastly different things for different industries, we’ve compiled this helpful FAQ on what PPE means at Industrial Valve. 

What is PPE? 

PPE stands for personal protective equipment. OSHA defines PPE as “equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards.” 

What standard PPE do technicians wear in the Industrial Valve shop? 

  • Safety glasses
  • Boots with steel or composite toe
  • Specialty face shields for tasks such as grinding or welding

What standard PPE do technicians wear (when required) at customer sites?

  • Boots with steel or composite toe
  • Safety glasses
  • Goggles
  • Harness with a double self-retracting lifeline (SRL) 
  • Hard hat
  • Earplugs
  • Gloves
  • High visibility vest
  • Tyvek chemical suit
  • Flame resistant clothing
  • Escape respirator with a carry-on bag
  • Personal lock 

Additional PPE for some teams: 

  • Rubber boots with steel or composite toe and waterproof gaiters
  • Acid suit
  • Specialty gloves for chemicals, impact resistances
  • Surgical face mask
  • Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas monitor

What are the limitations of PPE?

If the PPE item poses a greater threat to the technician than not wearing it, another measure will be determined to take its place, as outlined by OSHA. For example, if a technician risks getting tangled in a harness in a confined space, an alternative fall arrest system would be used. 

What kind of training ensures proper PPE use? 

Training on proper care, maintenance, useful lifespan, and disposal of the equipment is all conducted annually by our in-house OSHA-certified safety manager.

At Industrial Valve, we are proud of our commitment to our teams and our customers, proven by our excellent track record of safety for 46 years. 

Read more about how our safety culture keeps your operation running smoothly: 

Call us to learn more about safe service, maintenance, and repairs for your facility.

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