Keeping our teams safe under the summer sun
While completing maintenance and repair work in warm weather is not unusual in our neck of the woods, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to planned outages running later into the summer months. Add a face mask and heavy protective gear to the equation, and the risk for heat-related illness increases dramatically. If a member of the team is experiencing a headache, dizziness, nausea, or confusion, it’s already too late.

OSHA identifies these risk factors for heat illness:
- High temperature and humidity with direct sun exposure
- Heavy physical labor
- No recent exposure to heat
- Low hydration
- Heavy/waterproof protective gear or clothing
Because we take safety seriously and we value every member of our team, we take rigorous measures to ensure their protection whenever there is a likelihood of heat exposure:
- We take plenty of water breaks
- We have water readily available at all job sites, and we also provide rehydrating electrolyte tablets and drink mixes
- New staff unaccustomed to laboring in the heat are provided time to adapt to the conditions
- We train and educate all staff on the different forms of heat stress
Industrial Valve is an organization committed not just to fast and reliable maintenance and repair work, but also to workplace safety. That means a team that’s always on top of their game and less downtime for our customers. Contact us using the form below to learn more about how we can be a part of your workplace safety with reliable valve service and on-time repairs.